Hot Windows Tips How-Tos

How To: Group and Organize Your Start Screen Tiles in Windows 8

Keeping your computer organized and your desktop clutter-free can be pretty difficult. And with last week's official release of Windows 8, users have another screen they need to get used to organizing—the new Metro-style Start Screen. It uses large rectangular or square tiles in place of the standard icons you've seen on older Windows operating systems. For better organization and grouping, you can group similar items onto a page (similar to many smartphones), you increase or decrease the siz...

How To: Run Windows 8's Desktop and Metro Views Simultaneously Using a Second Monitor

The new Windows 8 operating system pushes the Metro interface hard, but not all of your apps will play nicely in Metro, which means you'll need to resort to the traditional desktop environment for some of your favorite programs. As a result, it has left many users picking between the two—Metro or traditional? Fortunately, there's a way to run them both simultaneously with the use of second monitor. In the video below, Donald Bell of CNET explains how you can run both interfaces simultaneously...

How To: Manage Your Live Tiles in Windows 8

The new Windows 8 is only days away from its mass public release on Friday, October 26th. And there's a ton of new features you'll need to get used to, either on your computer or your tablet. One of them is the Live Tiles, which provide users with live information and is way more aesthetically pleasing than the traditional Windows layout. The new Tiles system adds another level of functionality and information for the user, but it definitely takes some getting used to. The video below by Pure...

How To: Uninstall Applications in Windows 8

Windows 8 and its new Windows Store have simplified the process for uninstalling and cleanly deleting applications from your computer. Removing applications in older versions of Windows required a few more steps: My Computer -> Control Panel -> Add or Remove Programs -> Find the Program -> Click Uninstall.

How To: Add or Prevent Programs from Starting Automatically When Booting Windows 8

Programs that run automatically every time you start your computer can slow down your boot time—or just be plain annoying. Many of these programs are rarely used and don't even need to be running for your computer to function properly. So, if you want to disable these auto-run programs and increase your computer's startup speed, here are a few ways you can do it in the new Windows 8.

How To: Replace the Boring Stock Tiles in Windows 8 with Your Own Custom Designs

The new Windows 8 is set to launch on October 26th, and developers and early adopters are still getting used to the new interface. Windows 8 borrows a lot of its functionality and look from the touchscreen-friendly Windows phones. As with Windows phones, Windows 8 uses the now ubiquitous tiles as part of the new Metro Desktop. These tiles, much like the vintage iPhone icons, can get a little stale. But unlike the iPhone, Windows 8 users can in fact create custom tiles in their own without any...

How To: Get Your Free 90-Day Trial of Windows 8 Enterprise Edition Today

Yesterday, Microsoft announced that Windows 8 RTM is available to its MSDN subscribers and TechNet Professionals. But they've also included a free 90-day trial for developers that anyone can download, no subscription needed. The download is actually for the Enterprise version, so after the 90 days are over you won't be able to upgrade, you'll have to do it from your original operating system when the non-Enterprise version is released in October.

How To: Fix the Executable File Association Virus in Windows

The executable file association virus deletes the "Regkey" that associates ".exe" files with the proper Windows execution. The virus can be contracted while browsing the web, from an infected file, or even from pictures and documents. Once the damage is done, Windows will show a window similar to the one below, and will ask you for the correct program with which to open the file.

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